Comparing VaaSBlock’s RMA™ and ISO 27001: Complementary Standards for Blockchain Credibility and Information Security


– 14 mins read

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VaaSBlock’s Risk Management Authentication (RMA™) and ISO 27001 are complementary certifications that enhance security and credibility for blockchain organizations. While ISO 27001 is a globally recognized standard focusing on information security management systems applicable across industries, RMA™ addresses blockchain-specific challenges by evaluating technical security, business integrity, governance, and team credibility. Organizations pursuing both certifications demonstrate a comprehensive commitment to security and trustworthiness, standing out in the eyes of investors, regulators, and the blockchain community. Together, they provide a holistic approach to managing risks and building confidence in a decentralized industry striving for broader acceptance and legitimacy.

About the Author

Ben Rogers

Ben Rogers — Co-founder of VaaSBlock

Ben Rogers is a seasoned authority on blockchain strategy, digital marketing, and business growth. With a proven track record across various industries, he has established himself as a thought leader in the Web3 world. Ben’s extensive experience in transforming businesses from concept to commercialization includes fostering partnerships and implementing innovative strategies that drive exponential growth. He has spearheaded initiatives leading to record-breaking market adoption, token valuations, and industry partnerships within the blockchain sector. His hands-on approach ensures companies are not only technically proficient but also operationally credible and compliant with industry standards. Ben plays a pivotal role in elevating blockchain projects to new levels of credibility and operational excellence, making him a key figure in shaping the future of blockchain governance.


As blockchain technology matures and moves toward broader institutional adoption, the need for robust security and credibility measures becomes increasingly critical. Organizations are seeking certifications that validate their commitment to security, transparency, and operational excellence. Two prominent standards in this domain are VaaSBlock’s Risk Management Authentication (RMA™) and the internationally recognized ISO 27001 certification. While both aim to enhance credibility and trust, they address different facets of organizational security and compliance.

Importantly, RMA™ is designed not to compete with ISO 27001 but to complement it by tackling challenges unique to the blockchain industry and delving deeper into an organization’s overall integrity beyond just technology and security. Organizations that attain both certifications can be regarded as exceptionally credible, standing tall above competitors in the eyes of their community and investors. These certifications synergistically ensure comprehensive protection and credibility for blockchain organizations.

Understanding ISO 27001 and Related ISO Standards

While ISO 27001 is recognized worldwide as a premier standard for information security management by various well-respected organizations, it may be relatively unknown within the blockchain ecosystem. This section introduces ISO 27001 to those unfamiliar with it, emphasizing its importance and how it lays the foundation for security best practices across industries.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is an international standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). This standard provides a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information, ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Key Objectives of ISO 27001

  • Confidentiality: Ensure that information is accessible only to authorized individuals.
  • Integrity: Safeguard the accuracy and completeness of information and processing methods.
  • Availability: Ensure that authorized users have access to information and assets when required.

Practical Applications Across Industries

ISO 27001 is not limited to blockchain; it is essential for a wide range of industries, helping organizations ensure data integrity and security:

  • Financial Institutions: Secure customer data and transaction records, preventing fraud.
  • Healthcare Providers: Protect patient records and comply with regulations like HIPAA.
  • Technology Companies: Safeguard intellectual property and user data.
  • Government Agencies: Protect classified information and citizen data.

Core Components

  • Risk Assessment: Identify potential information security risks and evaluate their impact.
  • Security Controls: Implement comprehensive policies, procedures, and technical measures to mitigate identified risks.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly monitor, review, and update the ISMS to adapt to new threats and business changes.

ISO 27001 is highly regarded because it provides a structured framework for managing information security, which is crucial in today’s digital landscape. Holding such a standard signifies an organization’s dedication to maintaining high security standards, which is especially important as Web3 and blockchain technologies integrate more deeply with traditional systems.

Understanding VaaSBlock’s RMA™

The Risk Management Authentication (RMA™) is a certification developed by VaaSBlock, dedicated to establishing and legitimizing Web3 organizations in the blockchain industry. The RMA™ badge serves as a definitive mark of credibility, recognizing blockchain-based businesses and projects that demonstrate excellence in security, transparency, operational credibility, and team integrity.

The RMA™ fills the gap between other credibility-building services in the Web3 space, including smart contract auditing firms, exchange due diligence, journalism, and government intervention. It is applicable to all organizations that work directly with blockchain technologies—such as wallets or projects with utility tokens—as well as service providers like marketing agencies, lawyers, and accountants that support Web3 organizations.

The need for an industry standard like RMA™ is paramount but has been challenging to establish due to the necessity for a neutral issuing body. Additionally, industry leaders who typically set up such standards have often been absent from the blockchain space, either remaining in traditional finance or focusing on leading their companies without the bandwidth to create new standards

VaaSBlock, the issuer of the RMA™, has addressed these challenges by assembling a founding team with vast experience in both Web3 and traditional industries such as insurance and international relations. The core team is dedicated to neutrality and ensuring that the RMA™ fills the gaps left by other legitimacy players in Web3. Unlike certifications that consider only specific aspects like information security or accounting practices, the RMA™ combines multiple facets, requiring organizations to meet minimum standards across various domains to earn the certification.

While not a foolproof guarantee against malfeasance, the comprehensive nature of the RMA™ audit makes it incredibly difficult for a disreputable organization to obtain. It is not intended to be superior to standards like ISO 27001 but rather to serve as a complementary certification uniquely positioned to build trust in blockchain and AI sectors. The RMA™ draws lessons from established industry standards to enhance its value and reduce the likelihood of poor companies slipping through the cracks, thereby mitigating experiences that could damage the entire blockchain industry.

Key Objectives of RMA™

  • Enhance Credibility: Distinguish trustworthy blockchain projects in an industry fraught with skepticism and fraudulent activities.
  • Promote Transparency: Encourage open and honest practices within blockchain organizations.
  • Foster Trust: Build confidence among investors, regulators, and users by validating a project’s adherence to rigorous standards of security, transparency, operational credibility, and team integrity.

Core Components

  • Comprehensive Verification: A rigorous assessment involving a detailed questionnaire and in-depth workshop sessions. These analyze technical aspects, business operations, compliance with regulatory requirements, governance structures, team reputations, and potential market risks.
  • Technical Audits: Evaluation of smart contracts, cybersecurity protocols, and technological infrastructure, potentially incorporating smart contract audits.
  • Business Evaluation: Examination of legal compliance, operational credibility, governance, and adherence to industry standards.

Comparing RMA™ and ISO 27001

Scope and Focus

ISO 27001

  • Information Security: Focuses on policies, procedures, and organizational measures to protect information assets beyond just technical aspects.
  • Applicable Across Industries: Used globally by organizations in various sectors to manage sensitive data.
  • Risk Management Process: Ensure that authorized users have access to information and assets when required.
  • Internal Security Practices: Primarily concentrates on safeguarding internal organizational data.


  • Blockchain-Specific Credibility: Tailored to address challenges unique to the decentralized and rapidly evolving blockchain and Web3 environment.
  • Holistic Evaluation: Combines blockchain-native solutions like smart contract audits with manual verification processes for operational credibility.
  • Enhancing Trust in Web3: Aims to legitimize blockchain organizations by overcoming skepticism and addressing regulatory uncertainty.
  • External Reputation Management: Extends beyond technical security to include business integrity, governance, and team credibility.

Certification Process

ISO 27001

  1. Implementation of ISMS: Develop and implement an ISMS according to ISO guidelines.
  2. External Audit: Certification requires passing an initial audit conducted by an accredited body.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: Ongoing compliance is required through periodic surveillance audits to maintain certification over time.


  1. Questionnaire and Workshops: Begins with a detailed questionnaire followed by in-depth workshop sessions covering technical, business, and credibility factors.
  2. Rigorous Examination: Thorough assessment of security measures, compliance practices, team reliability, governance structures, and market positioning.
  3. Badge Issuance: Upon meeting stringent standards, the RMA™ badge is issued as a tokenized NFT with a unique QR code, ensuring tamper-proof verification.
  4. Collaborative Marketing: VaaSBlock supports public recognition through collaborative efforts but does not guarantee specific promotions.


ISO 27001 Benefits

  • Demonstrated Commitment to Security: Shows stakeholders that the organization prioritizes information security.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Helps meet legal and regulatory requirements related to data protection.
  • Competitive Advantage: Enhances reputation and can be a market differentiator.
  • Improved Processes: Encourages efficient management of information security risks.

RMA™ Benefits

  • Enhanced Credibility in Blockchain Industry: Builds trust among investors, exchanges, and the broader Web3 community in an industry historically fraught with skepticism.
  • Tokenization for Transparency: The RMA™ badge is minted as an NFT, providing tamper-proof verification and enabling automated, decentralized validation.
  • Addressing Industry-Specific Challenges: Helps overcome skepticism, fraud concerns, and regulatory grey areas unique to blockchain and Web3 businesses.
  • Access to RMA™ Network: Connects organizations with other verified entities, fostering high-value relationships.

Diving Deeper: Differences and Synergies

Technical vs. Business Focus

  • ISO 27001: Provides a framework for comprehensive information security management, focusing on internal data protection through technical controls, organizational measures, policies, and procedures applicable across industries.
  • RMA™: Offers a holistic approach combining technical security assessments with business credibility evaluations, including governance, compliance, team integrity, and market positioning specific to blockchain organizations. It goes beyond technical security to include external reputation management and governance.

Industry Challenges Addressed

ISO 27001

  • General Information Security Risks: Addresses risks applicable to any organization handling sensitive data, focusing on confidentiality, integrity, and availability.


  • Blockchain’s Image Problem: Aims to overcome skepticism due to scams and lack of professionalism in the industry.
  • Regulatory Uncertainty: Helps organizations navigate evolving regulations by ensuring compliance and transparency, addressing concerns from investors and regulators about blockchain projects’ credibility.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Addresses unique threats like smart contract exploits, and decentralized governance issues.

Tokenization and Verification

RMA™ Badge Tokenization

  • NFT-Based Certification: The RMA™ badge is minted as a non-fungible token (NFT) with a unique QR code.
  • Automated Verification: Enables tamper-proof, decentralized verification, allowing anyone in the blockchain ecosystem to confirm the certification’s validity.
  • Alignment with Blockchain Principles: Embraces decentralization and transparency, streamlining trust-building in a decentralized industry.

ISO 27001 Certification

  • Traditional Certification: Issued as a formal certificate by accredited bodies.
  • Verification Process: Stakeholders may need to contact the certifying body or the organization’s compliance department to verify validity.

Cost and Time Investment

ISO 27001

  • Resource Intensive: Implementing an ISMS can be time-consuming and costly, requiring significant internal resources and possibly external consultancy.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Certification and maintenance involve ongoing audits and updates.


  • Efficient Yet Thorough: While designed to be efficient, larger organizations with complex infrastructures may require more thorough evaluations to ensure all aspects meet VaaSBlock’s standards.
  • Collaborative Effort: Duration depends on the project’s complexity and the organization’s responsiveness to audit questions and documentation requests.

Which Certification is Right for You?

It is advisable for blockchain organizations to pursue both certifications. The RMA™ will recognize an existing ISO 27001 certification and use it to address many security-related questions that might otherwise be asked during the audit process. Currently, the ISO 27001 is more detailed for information security, but it lacks blockchain-specific components. Organizations with ISO 27001 would still need to demonstrate compliance with relevant blockchain standards matching their products or services.

Consider Pursuing ISO 27001 if:

  • Your organization handles a wide range of sensitive information beyond blockchain data.
  • You seek a globally recognized standard for information security management.
  • Regulatory compliance requires adherence to established information security protocols.
  • You have resources to invest in implementing and maintaining an ISMS.

Consider Pursuing RMA™ if:

  • Your organization operates within the blockchain or Web3 space.
  • You aim to enhance credibility and trust specifically in the blockchain community.
  • You want to address industry-specific challenges like skepticism, fraud prevention, and regulatory uncertainty.
  • You seek networking opportunities with leading blockchain organizations.

Consider Pursuing Both if:

  • You want to demonstrate a comprehensive commitment to security, credibility, and operational excellence.
  • Your stakeholders include both traditional industry partners and blockchain community members.
  • You aim to differentiate your organization by adhering to global information security standards and blockchain-specific credibility benchmarks.

For organizations seeking both internal information security and external trustworthiness, ISO 27001 and RMA™ serve complementary purposes. ISO 27001 secures internal processes, while RMA™ enhances credibility and addresses specific challenges in the blockchain ecosystem.

Benefits of Dual Certification

  • Enhanced Trust Across Sectors: Combining ISO 27001’s global recognition with RMA™’s blockchain-specific credibility significantly boosts stakeholder confidence.
  • Competitive Advantage: Stand out in both traditional and blockchain markets by demonstrating a robust commitment to security and compliance.
  • Regulatory Preparedness: Better positioned to navigate existing and emerging regulations affecting information security and blockchain technologies.
  • Comprehensive Risk Management: Address a broader spectrum of risks, from general information security threats to blockchain-specific vulnerabilities.


ISO 27001 and VaaSBlock’s RMA™ play critical roles in enhancing an organization’s credibility and trustworthiness. ISO 27001 ensures adherence to globally recognized information security practices, providing a robust framework for managing information security risks across any industry. RMA™ addresses blockchain-specific challenges, such as smart contract vulnerabilities, decentralized governance issues, and regulatory uncertainty, offering a comprehensive approach to blockchain credibility and trust.

By pursuing both ISO 27001 and RMA™, organizations demonstrate a comprehensive commitment to security and credibility. Together, they provide a holistic approach to compliance and trust-building, enhancing confidence among stakeholders across traditional and blockchain sectors.

Final Thoughts

VaaSBlock’s RMA™ and ISO 27001 are complementary rather than competitive. RMA™ enhances the foundation laid by ISO 27001 by addressing blockchain-specific concerns and delving deeper into organizational aspects beyond technology and security. This provides a nuanced layer of credibility and trust in a decentralized industry. Integrating both certifications positions organizations at the forefront of security and trustworthiness in the digital age, allowing them to stand tall above competitors in the eyes of their community and investors.

By adopting both standards, blockchain organizations not only solidify their internal security practices but also enhance their external reputation, bridging the trust gap in an industry striving for broader acceptance and legitimacy.

About VaaSBlock

VaaSBlock, founded in early 2024 by three industry veterans, specializes in blockchain credibility and verification services. Our mission is to enhance trust and reliability within blockchain ecosystems by providing comprehensive auditing and certification through our NFT-Verified RMA™ badge. By focusing on corporate governance, crisis planning, revenue models, and business security policies, VaaSBlock ensures that organizations meet the highest standards of integrity and performance. Projects awarded the RMA™ badge stand out for their verified legitimacy and quality. Stay updated with our latest news and developments through our media channels: Website | LinkedIn | X | Threads

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This report was created independently by the VaaSBlock team, using reliable sources available at the time of publication. The conclusions, suggestions, and opinions are based on our internal research and may change with time. We are not responsible for any losses from using this report and do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The information may differ from other opinions. This report is for general information only and does not provide legal, business, investment, or tax advice. Mentions of securities or digital assets are examples, not investment advice or offers.